Shugden Facts

Mahakala is averse to the propitiation of Gyalchen

[The following is an excerpt from His Holiness’ talk given on 7th January, 2012, to abbots, Lamas, Geshes and scholarly monks from Tibet and those living in India at the Tibetan Monastic temple Gaden Pelgyes Ling in Bodhgaya.]

Mahakala, one of the three main protectors of Geluk
Mahakala, one of the three main protectors of Geluk

I recall one of my dreams in which I was in Gaden, near the spirit-house of Shugden. I was probably in Sogpa Khangtsen [which is located close to the spirit-house]. I then saw a very huge Mahakala, the size of multi-storey building. As his feet pressed the spirit-house of Dolgyal [Shugden], it was instantly crushed into rubble. By looking into sequences of indications such as this dream and the result of urn-rotation divinations, it is very clear that Mahakala and Dharma Raja, who were entrusted by Tsongkhapa as the protectors of his teachings, are averse to the propitiation of Dolgyal. The reason I am speaking on this issue with some elaboration is because I feel such explanations will help you generate more confidence in my position on Dolgyal. I am definitely not speaking on this issue because of any instinctive aversion towards the propitiation of Dolgyal. Have you all understood? Some people would talk a lot on some issues saying, ‘oh it just occurred to me’. My talks on Dolgyal are not like that. I have been explaining each and everything with details.

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